Monday, September 30, 2013



I am not surprised at all.  My patients having been telling me this for years.  The question is; can this type of pain be prevented?  The short answer is yes. It may take a concentrated effort, but worth it.  Dr. Press

Check out this to start: Prevention ideas

I like this info too:  Posture Habits

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No Arms, No Problem

If you still believe you have problems overwhelming your day to day, after reading this article, please the article again.  And if necessary, read it again and again, until you realize the many blessings in all of our lives.  Dr. Press

Article Here

A Cell Phone Can Hurt

I have actually seen patients that have tripped and strained a back, knee or ankle while thumbing a text on the cell phone.  As embarrassing as it is, it still hurts and potentially can cause life changing injuries.  Example:   Walking into the crosswalk with on coming cars racing by.  Texting  while driving is a whole other problem or accident waiting to happen.  The article offers good information.  Please remind others when possible about being safe when using a mobile device.  You might just save a life.  Dr. Press

Article Here