Friday, December 20, 2013

Aspirin Risks may Outweight Benefits for Heart Disease. What ! ! !

Just the facts, please.

'In their review, Sutcliffe and his colleagues linked regular aspirin intake to the avoidance of 33 to 46 deaths from any cause in 10,000 people over a 10-year period. However, 46 to 49 major bleeds and 68 to 117 gastrointestinal bleeds in 10,000 people in a 10-year period also occurred as a result.'

'This translates to a 37 percent increased risk of stomach bleeding and 38 percent increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke, the researchers report.'

Good study. 

Please discuss this with your medical physician when weighing if you are an appropriate candidate for daily aspirin therapy. 

Article Here

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Injections for Back Pain - Research says...

This is not news to me, but it may be to you.  After all, I have patients come in for care of back pain and leg pain, having had several, if not many steroid injections into the back muscles and spine.  This type of aggressive medical management is also not without the high potential of harmful side effects and new or greater damage to healthy muscle tissue and nerves.  

The evidence is clear, try drug-less and nonsurgical methods first to relieve acute and chronic back pain.  In other words, try chiropractic therapy.  Chiropractic is considered by the research to be safe, with high positive treatment outcomes (aka results) and cost-effective.  Dr. Press  

Article Here

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Did our president know the truth about insurance plans to be dropped, when the AHA was implemented?  Based on the following video (1) , he did know, at least since February of 2010.  According to the author of the article:   

So even though the president knew that 8 to 9 million people "might have to change their overage" way back in February of 2010, afterwards, for three-plus years -- especially while running for reelection -- Obama continued to reassure the American people that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period. End of story.

I looked back at the many videos of our president saying over and over again, 

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period."

Does this concern anyone else?  Would the presidential election of 2012 turned out differently?  Check out video (2) and it may answer the question.

Do political elections and voting matter?  I will answer this one, YES.

1.  Article and Video

2.  Article and Video

Friday, November 8, 2013


This new Gallup poll is disturbing.  The writer of this article (1) puts it in to a clear and precise conclusion regarding this whole nightmare of ObamaCare for so many Americans: 

"When you look at the nearly 4 million Americans who have already had their insurance cancelled, the low enrollment numbers we have seen so far, and combine that with the website problems, sticker shock, and overall disgust, it is not out inconceivable to speculate that by this time next year, ObamaCare will have caused the number of uninsured in America to increase." 

In the second article (2) the facts are even more scarier about ObamaCare and unfortunately for so many a continuing bad dream.

Apparently, the website problems will pale in contrast to the problems that will just keep rolling out.  I will illustrate in the coming blogs the details of the horror to come.  This is not funny or to be taken lightly.  The harm caused and to result because of  ObamaCare is just beginning.

Now more then ever our country really does need 'hope and change' and not the 'O' kind of   'hope and change'.  Dr. Press

1. Article Here

2. Article Here

Monday, September 30, 2013



I am not surprised at all.  My patients having been telling me this for years.  The question is; can this type of pain be prevented?  The short answer is yes. It may take a concentrated effort, but worth it.  Dr. Press

Check out this to start: Prevention ideas

I like this info too:  Posture Habits

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No Arms, No Problem

If you still believe you have problems overwhelming your day to day, after reading this article, please the article again.  And if necessary, read it again and again, until you realize the many blessings in all of our lives.  Dr. Press

Article Here

A Cell Phone Can Hurt

I have actually seen patients that have tripped and strained a back, knee or ankle while thumbing a text on the cell phone.  As embarrassing as it is, it still hurts and potentially can cause life changing injuries.  Example:   Walking into the crosswalk with on coming cars racing by.  Texting  while driving is a whole other problem or accident waiting to happen.  The article offers good information.  Please remind others when possible about being safe when using a mobile device.  You might just save a life.  Dr. Press

Article Here

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Un-'Affordable Care Act'. Surprised? PART IV

Now even the Unions do not want Obamacare anymore, because the facts and the painful truth is coming out on how the ACA hurts everyone in the pocket and some.  Dr. Press

Article Here

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Un-'Affordable Care Act'. Surprised? PART III

This insight about the 'Affordable Care Act' is from a top democrat who was deeply involved in structuring the ACA and helping the bill pass.  

Wow, what a change in his tune.   Dr. Press

Another must read article here

The Un-'Affordable Care Act'. Surprised? PART II

This article says it all.   Affordable Care Act?  We were lied too.

Must Read Article Here

Acetaminophen may Reduce Fear and Anxiety. Really?

I really do not have the words to describe just how bad this study is and the potential harm it may cause, due to over use of Acetaminophen.  Article Here

Please consider this medical fact:  Acetaminophen is the number one cause of liver failure in America. See Study Here

Enough said.  Dr. Press

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Un-'Affordable Care Act'. Surprised?

 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is probable to be a financial disaster for our country's tax payers, besides increasing the national debt and unemployment rates. And will it better the quality of health care and accessibility? Will it help more then hurt Americans? Early indicators say the ACA will be painful.
As the article says, not one republican voted for it and many in the GOP warned of the coming problems of the ACA.  The problems are real and may even get worse.  

To be open, I will disclose that I did not vote for or support the current political Administration.    

Should not the credit for the success or failure of the ACA, rest with the creators and supporters.  

To falsely blame the other party of sabotaging the ACA only indicates a failure of leadership and responsibility.

This conversation is not over and needs to be based on the facts.

More in the next blog.

Article Here

Another Excellent Article

Cure for Back Pain with just One Injection! Really?

How many times have we heard this?  Unfortunately, it gives false hope to the millions who do suffer from chronic back pain in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.  I noted there was no mention of chiropractic care in the article.  Enough said. 

I will follow this 'Miracle' injection claim and see where it goes.  As with so many claims of curing chronic back pain, we will have to wait to find out the side-effects, complications and failure rates.

Article Here

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


If you go to we are told this: 

"Seasonal flu vaccines have a very good safety track record. Although there are possible side-effects to vaccination, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration closely monitor the safety of seasonal flu vaccines".

This medical physician has a different opinion:  Article Here

Recently, a wide spread medical tragedy occurred in this country with flu shots:     Article Here

Here is another side of the increasing push to have every one get a flu shot, based on inaccurate or partial facts:  Article Here  

Facts from the Center for Disease Control stated from the Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report (the MMWR) had revised its annual 36,000 deaths by flu down to a range of 3,000 to 49,000 flu-associated deaths.  The following are additional quotes from website:

"So what is the U.S. actual count  of "flu-associated" deaths for the 2011 seasonal flu season now over?

Quoting the MMWR of May 14, 2011 (the last Flu report of the season):  "This season, 105 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC."  And further when adults are also included: "From October 3, 2010 – May 21, 2011, 16,410 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations and 311 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated deaths were reported to CDC."  Subtracting 105 from 311 we see a documented count of 206 adult flu-associated deaths.  It will be interesting to see what CDC's computer-model finally conjures up as the final 2010-2011 "flu-associated" death tally".  The full report is Here.

So what is the right thing to do, regarding whether or not to get a flu shot?  First get the facts, do your own research and decide for yourself and your family.  And yes, you should talk about it with your family physician.

A question we did not discuss was the effectiveness of the flu shots to actually protect you from the flu.  That is for another blog and another day.  Dr. Press 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The information is based on just the facts.  Good information to review if you, a friend or family member is considering having one of these surgeries performed.  Dr. Press 

Article Here

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mayor of NY Restricts Painkillers in Hospitals

Has it become so bad, that a mayor  of one of the largest cities in America is restricting pain medication distribution in hospitals?  The is answer is yes, but it already was bad and getting worst.

I have talked about this subject many times, because I see it everyday in clinical practice.  As a chiropractor, I do not prescribe pain medications.  Instead, by the multitude of natural evidence based therapeutic modalities and procedures, I can provide short and long term relief to pain sufferers. The added benefit of chiropractic care, unlike pain medications, is not just pain relief, but the restoration of normal boney joint movement, enhanced pain-free muscle flexibility and motion, as well as a positive effect on the nervous system.  In turn, the body is allowed to do what it does best, to help heal it self.  

If you have musculo-skeletal injury or pain, call our office for an appointment.  I will do everything in my over twenty five years of clinical experience and training to help you, without potentially harmful and addictive pain medications.       

Article Here

Saturday, January 5, 2013

"Sit up, stand straight" Mom was right

This information is perhaps the best I have ever read concerning posture.  When my mother would say in my childhood , to sit up or stand straight, she was right.  It was good for me then and now and it's good for you too. Great article and very useful information.  Dr. Press

Article Here