Saturday, December 1, 2012


Really?  Yes.  According to many researchers stress is directly responsible for over half of all diseases.  Like the song says, 'Be Happy, Don't Worry', it could keep you healthy.  Dr. Press


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chiropractic Services Save More Then Money

Everyone and every employer is talking about reducing medical costs associated with common conditions and injuries in the workplace and/or community.  Well, once again another study has concluded that having chiropractic services in an on-site health facility reduces over-all costs significantly, not just a little.  The evidence is clear, include chiropractic services in on-site health centers, insurance plans and workers' compensation plans and the result:  reduced medical costs, hospitalization, expensive testing and surgeries.  The other point repeatedly forgotten, is that chiropractic has an excellent safety track record for over 125 years.  That topic is left for another blog.  Happy Holiday.  Dr. Press

Abstract Here

Monday, October 22, 2012

Drink to Kill

Drinking and dying is not just for those that abuse alcohol.  It now includes energy drinks and in particular the effect on some teenagers. The message here is moderation and common sense.  As a parent of teenagers, my kids do not need extra stimulus, like most teens.  In addition to the potential dangers of over caffeinated drinks, what about the excessive sugar content, increased diabetic risk and childhood obesity?  I say no to high caffeine drinks for most children, sixteen years and younger.  What do you say? Dr. Press

Article Here

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Multi-Vitamins, Benefit or No Benefit

This study is well done.  Prior studies , as indicated in this article, confirm the error in outcomes suggesting no benefit and even potential harm.  This most recent and scientifically conducted study confirms there is a benefit.  So, keep taking those multivitamins.  Apparently, they really are good for you, after all.  Dr. Press

Article Here

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Royal Back Pain

No one is excluded from the possibility of a severe episode of back pain and that includes the Queen of England.  

Everyday thousands of people all over the world suffer from back pain.  In most cases, it can resolve by itself, without any treatment.  But that is not always the case.  A large majority of permanent disability claims in the the United States are the result of chronic back pain. Clearly,  traditional medical treatments for back pain are failing to provide effective management and outcomes for spinal pain.  

On the other hand, there is a long successful track record and a large amount of scientific studies supporting the use chiropractic care in the treatment of back pain.  

If you have a question about how chiropractic can help your condition, please email or call our office.  Dr. Press

Article Here

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Back Pain Injections Kill 5 People, Possible More Pending

All they had was back pain and now they are dead.  Over 50 other people have also been affected by shots intended to relieve back pain.  Unfortunately, they were instead infected with a deadly fungal meningitis. This is a terrible complication of cortisone steroid injections and it is considered rare. However, other more common side effects are listed here.

Bottom-line,  there are risks and side effects with inject-able pain medications and sometimes it can be fatal.  Please consider all your options in seeking relief from back pain and include in that list, a visit to a chiropractor.  Dr. Press

Updated: October 15, 2012

Updated Article: October 12, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Five Little Lies About Getting Healthier

We often tell ourselves these little lies or better yet, excuses, to avoid taking the steps required to achieve or maintain better health.  I truly hope, your health goals are reached.  Start today!  Dr. Press

Review Article Here

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kids Vitamins, Lies and more Lies

Wait a minute.  Advertising that lies about the benefits of the product.  Say it is not so!  Dr. Press

Link Here

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Statin Drugs and Common Side Effects

The most common physical complaint I am told by patients on statin drugs is muscle-related pain or weakness. If you take satin drugs, please advise the prescribing physician of any adverse effects, no matter how trivial.  If you are seeking treatment for back pain, then also advise the health care practitioner, about satin use.  Your pain may ultimately be the result of statin side-effects.  Dr. Press
Link to Article Here

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Germs are Good and Help to Keep You Healthy. What!!!

As a human host, we are living in an ocean of bacteria and germs in everything we breathe, eat and touch.  So why do we not get sick more often?   Because our incredibly intelligent body and natural immune system fights off the bad germs and welcomes the good germs.  A state of health, can be described many ways, such as a balance of our bodies ability to regulate helpful and harmful germs.  This does not mean not to wash hands and maintain good hygiene.  It just means your body is watching out for your best interest and remains determined and capable to stay well and recover from sickness/disease.  Dr. Press

Read Article Here

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Exercise Bad! YES, NO or (We Just Do Not Know Why)

Interesting article with a lot of food for thought.  The take away should be to get a complete physical assessment before taking on a serious exercise plan.  It may just save your life.   Dr. Press

View Article Here:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eighty Percent of All Pain Medications Consumed by Americans

If this does not convenience you of the drug problem confronting our nation, then nothing will.  Choose a healthier way.  Choose Chiropractic.  Dr. Press

See Article Here:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Surgery Patients On Fire!

I could not make this up.  According to the article, it happens on a somewhat regular basis.  Really?  Dr. Press

See Article Here

God Pills - Powdered Human Baby Flesh

Has the worship of the almighty PILL cure come to this?  You decide.   
Dr. Press

 Read Article Here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pain Medications, Moms and New Borns - A Major Problem is Growing Fast

I have seen and heard of this problem so many times in clinical practice over the last 25 years.  I am hearing more and more about pain medication abuse and dependency in just the last few months, not years.  Even mothers and infants are not immune from this life altering, harmful and potentially fatal epidemic.  There must be another way to control and treat pain without drugs or at the very best, less pain medications.  Did I hear you say Chiropractic?  Yes, Chiropractic!

Dr. Press

View the article here

Thursday, April 5, 2012

‘Notoriously Inaccurate’ Medical Reference Tool Could Be Killing Thousands

"A widely used medical reference tool for administering drugs, is so inaccurate, two prominent doctors call it “the death table” because of the more than 15,000 estimated deaths from overdoses they associate with it each year."

It just makes you wonder, how any family physician, orthopedist or any other type of medical physician would NOT refer to a Doctor of Chiropractic first, before utilizing powerful pain medications excessively that are well established in medical research to significantly increase mortality and fatality risks?  Dr. Press

Below is their opinion paper regarding the use of opioid prescriptions in medicine. 

Link to research review article:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Antibiotics are even in your Burger

The over use of antibiotics in family physician and pediatric practice is well documented in American health care. Although when medically indicated and with confirmation of the right diagnosis, antibiotics can help and may even save a life.  What has become common place is the over prescribing to our children and adults.  This article talks about the abundance of antibiotics in our food.  Good information for your decision making when eating and preparing meals.  Dr. Press

Here is the article link below:

Antibiotics are even in Your Burger

Monday, March 12, 2012


I would consider this a landmark study as to why eating significantly less red meat or none at all, is a good choice for better health.   However, many people will not change their diets and eating behaviors.  I recommend to my patients, to do what they can to limit or reduce red meat by portion size and frequency in meals.    Dr. Press


"The study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine followed more than 100,000 people for around 28 years asking them periodically about their diet and lifestyle." 


Full article here:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Over Use of Pain Medication - Beginning 2012 With Some Brutal Honesty

Great Information.  Dr. Press

Meth Kills One of the Oldest Trees in the World

Addictive drug use can harm the person using and so many others, even landmarks.  What a preventable shameful act.  Dr. Press

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain

This was a randomized, controlled trial and peer reviewed.  This basically means it holds more objectivity because of the strict standards applied in doing the research.  In other words, it holds more weight in truth then someone just saying a health care service is good, bad or does not work.  Although it is a smaller study verse a large study (based on the number of patients studied), it is a well conducted.

What is the take away point? 

Chiropractic is very effective for mechanical neck pain, even more so then the most commonly utilized pain medications for short and long term relief.  Wow!  Is this the only study supporting chiropractic benefits?  No, this is just one of many and I will continue to share them.  Dr. Press

Monday, February 20, 2012

The World's Hottest Pepper: Brings Pleasure and Pain Relief

Actually, this is a good, informative article.  It reminds us that mother nature was the first and best medicine dispensary.  Dr. Press

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New National Study Shows Integrative Medicine Commonly Used to Treat Chronic Health Conditions

Interesting, but not a surprising study that confirms more people are seeking an alternative type of health care for relief of chronic pain.  However, double-blind, peer reviewed research to support the use of these alternative treatments remains very, very sparse.  

You may of asked yourself, why wasn't chiropractic care included in the study?  I do not have an answer.  I do know that chiropractic represents the most utilized type of alternative treatment to traditional medical care and has the most supportive double-blind, peer reviewed scientific research.  So why isn't chiropractic care be referred for by the Cleveland Clinic, Duke, Mayo Clinic, Stanford and MD Anderson Cancer Center and other medical centers? I do not have an answer. However, even in light of the overwhelming evidence of chiropractic's excellent outcomes clinically, over-all cost-effectiveness and superior safety record, chiropractic is not even mentioned.  

Is that medically ethical, to just ignore or not even advise a patient about a treatment that reasonable may benefit them?

You decide.  Dr. Press

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Playing in Beach Sand Bigger Health Risk than Ocean Itself

With hotter days and Summer just around the corner, this study provides good information to parents with small kids. Dr. Press

Friday, January 27, 2012

Is Your Ipad a Pain in the Neck?

If you start to notice increased neck pain or headaches, it may be your Ipad.  Interesting study. 
Dr. Press

Here is a quote:

"Users of the iPad, or any other tablet, are at high risk of developing neck discomfort, according to study done by the Harvard School of Public Health".

Monday, January 23, 2012

Meth Kills; Here is One More Reason Why.

The American drug addiction problem can kill anyone, even if you do not take the drug or know someone who does.  Be aware, protect yourself and your family of this additional threat.  Dr. Press

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Private Health Insurers Are Being Driven Out Of The Markets, Affecting Millions

Health care reform as mandated by the current White house administration is beginning to show the detrimental effects on our personal rights and economy.  It will not be good.  If fact, it will be a nightmare in health care quality, access and high costs.  This is not a political opinion of mine. This is a first hand, front line, 25+ years of patient health care conclusion of what this Health Care Reform really means.  Unfortunately, the tide is just coming in concerning bad news and the swell and eventual tide wave that will hit us, may wipe out any quality or affordable health care again, unless we stop it with our vote.  Dr. Press

Monday, January 16, 2012

Magnesium-Rich Diet may Lower Stroke Risk

Great article, about a great research study.  Magnesium rich foods are an important part of the diet.  Dr. Press

For a list of foods containing a good source of Magnesium:

Patient billed $44.8 million by Hospital. What?!

Just a mistake, right?  Dr. Press

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Secrets of the World's Healthiest Women (And Men Too)

Is it really a secret?  Live a healthy lifestyle.  This article emphasizes food intake, but it is not just about the food we eat.  Exercise and feed our body, Yes.  Exercise and feed our mind, Yes.   Exercise and feed our relationships, Yes.  Exercise and feed our soul, Yes.  And of course, exercise and feed our attitude, Yes.  True health is total health.  Dr. Press

Monday, January 9, 2012

Broken Heart Equals Higher Incidence of Death

The message here; support those that have a tragic lost of a loved one, but be aware of their own physical status as a result of the highly emotional occurrence and be prepared to support.  
Dr. Press

An Aspirin a Day Keeps [ blank ] Away?

This is just the article about the study.  The information is excellent, large patient population and multiple studies reviewed.  The study concludes  that aspirin intake on a daily basis for all people with cardiovascular disease should be reconsidered and reserved only for moderate or severe cases.  Dr. Press

Here is a quote:

"Researchers looked at several studies involving more than 100,000 people without prior heart disease. They found that while people taking aspirin once a day had fewer heart attacks, the therapy didn’t lower death rates."

Here is what one reliable source says about aspirin use:


This applies mostly for older women.  Be aware if you have recently been diagnosed  with diabetes and are also taking statins.  Dr. Press

Employers Choose Chiropractic Care for Work-Related Injuries

Here is a quote from the article:
"A number of studies comparing medical and chiropractic care for work- related back injury, the most prevalent work-related injury treated by doctors of chiropractic, offer promising results, according to the article. One study concluded that chiropractic offered consistent 2-to-1 superiority, and another found that treatment costs in cases managed by doctors of chiropractic increased only 12% between 1986 and 1989, while treatment costs in cases managed by medical doctors increased 71% during the same period."

If you are an employer with one employee or thousands, please consider chiropractic first for sprain and strain injuries.  As this article confirms, there is an overwhelming number of studies that credit chiropractic for higher success rates in treatment effectiveness, but also with profoundly lower medical costs and reduced temporary total disability (TTD) claims.  Dr. Press  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Eating Antibiotics in Our Foods

Food for thought, but could it be harmful?  Antibiotics are already over prescribed in general medical practice.  But in this article we learn, how prevalent antibiotics are in the morning bacon, the hamburger for lunch and the steak for dinner.  Good article.  Maybe the price of organic food is worth it. You decide.  Dr. Press

Monday, January 2, 2012

Being Thankful for Healthy Children

A vital part of each New Year is to stop for a moment and to truly give thanks for the blessing of having healthy children.  Not all parents have a healthy child.  Some are tending daily to their medications or life supporting equipment just to survive. Other parents are assisting a child recover from a near fatal accident or disease.  My prayer this New Year is that it brings to all our patients, friends, families and business associates increased and/or the restoration of good health and well being.  Especially, the childrenDr. Press